Sunday, November 13, 2011

The first day of the rest of my life

Yesterday was a great day. It was emotional, it was exciting, and it was just a preview of the opportunity that I have been given to change my life. At 34 years old I've decided that I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired! Yesterday I met my Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon Biggest Winner teammates!

Where I started
Dealing with my weight has been a constant struggle throughout my life. I remember being enrolled in a children's weight loss/lifestyle program at ETCH called the Body Shop before the age of seven. In the past thirty years I've tried every weight loss plan from Weight Watchers to Atkins, and never lost more than ten pounds, and definitely never kept it off.

At a young age I accepted that I was always going to be a "big girl," and that I just needed to embrace who I was, and make the best of it. It was a hope that if I accepted myself for what I was then everyone else would, too.

My family history
I love my parents, but they gave me crappy genes. Currently my mother, father, and I all struggle with Type 2 Diabetes and glucose control. I've also been given the wonderful gifts of a family history of heart disease and stroke. Gifts I'd rather return for something better!

The habits
Growing up the child of a physician and a nurse, and choosing healthcare as my own profession, I've always "known" how to eat healthily. Even when not observed, I've always been aware of proper portion control, and what's good for me, and what's not.

I'm a stress eater. I know I'm a stress eater. I will never deny that I'm a stress eater. My biggest stress relief is french fries. Yes, you read that right, french fries. Not reading a good book or going for a walk, but french fries. Even the worst french fries are better than no french fries at all!

I'm an intelligent woman - college educated, trained in critical thinking, and full of common sense. Yet somehow at 34 years old I still use food as an emotional gauge. I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad. I eat when I'm celebrating, I eat when I'm comforting or being comforted.

My nemesis: exercise
I hate to exercise. It's hard. It hurts. And in the past I've never seen results good enough to make me want to stick with it. When I was younger I developed a major resentment for exercise because I was forced to do it because I was fat. My siblings didn't have to exercise. They got to sleep late. I had to get up every day before school to walk on the treadmill.

In elementary school I ice skated for several years because it was my sister's "sport" of choice. My sister was built for ice skating - she's thin, athletic and graceful. I, on the other hand, was made more for ice hockey - husky, durable, bulky.

Needless to say, I never built a healthy relationship with exercise. This is no-one's fault, it's just a fact of life. I never had any fun with exercise, so why do it!?

My life today
I've been married to my wonderful husband for over two years, and we have a fur-baby Belle. My husband has always loved me for me, and is an amazing man. He supports me in everything I do, including the crazy journey I'm beginning.

I pride myself on being a dedicated, hard worker. No matter what the cause. I give 200% of myself to my job, and to everyone else. I've realized that for my sanity and health's sake I have to take a step back, and give 200% of myself to ME!

At 34 I have Type 2 Diabetes. I take 3 different medications for my Diabetes. I have high blood pressure (a result of one of the Diabetes medications). I have high Triglycerides (a side effect of high sugars). I am an orthopedic nightmare - a mess of chronic knee injuries, coupled with a recent foot injury.

In the past 4 months I have lost over 15 pounds. This is the most weight I have lost and kept off that I can remember in my lifetime. During a brief moment of euphoria caused by my weight loss I thought, "maybe I should try to exercise!" While most people would maybe consider re-joining a gym, that was a little too simple for my taste. I decided, "maybe I should apply to be on the Biggest Winner team!"

Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon Biggest Winner Team
I know it's not going to be easy. I know there are probably times I'm going to want to quit. But I know that I need a lifestyle change or I will continue jeopardizing my health. I am realistic knowing that I may not come out of this loving exercise, but it's my goal to complete this challenge this loving what exercise has helped me accomplish.

I'm looking forward to getting to know my teammates. And I know if anyone can help get me motivated it's Coach Missy Kane, and our team manager, the lovely Tonya Stoutt-Brown! I appreciate everyone's love and support that has gotten me this far!

Today's adventure: Buddy's Race Against Cancer 2-mile walk ... see you there!


  1. First, I totally love "shewhodoesnotrun" - I can relate. I think this is great and so inspiring. Anything is more attainable when you take the reigns and take control. I believe that we make our own luck. Don't wait for things to happen to you, make them happen! Go Amanda!

  2. Way to go, Amanda! I'm so happy for you! I'm sure you will do awesome! Please keep everyone updated on your progress! :)

  3. Yay! So excited for you! Quite and adventure yet a very good one and one that will reward you in so many ways! So proud of you. Love you!

  4. I am so proud of you! Thinking of you on the treadmill before school makes me sad. This is sure to be different though since it is coming from your own desires. I know you will do well! Bryant runs almost every day now. Maybe you two can do a race together one day! Congrats on taking control. We'll follow your journey and support you all the way!

  5. Great article. Makes a Dad pround. Who knows, maybe you will get me running again. Hope our knees hold out. Love, Dad.

  6. Good for you! I had this same epiphany after becoming a mom and decided to have gastric bypass. I'm now 150 pounds lighter with 50 more to go and feeling great! It's a hard road, but well worth it. Keep up the great work, lady!!

  7. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be part of such a great team. I look forward to achieving a life style change in the near future. Thank you for your support through this blog. See you soon!
