Friday, December 23, 2011

Fa la la la la la la la la

Wow, it's been quite a week. The week before Christmas always seems to be one of the longest and the shortest all at once! Funny how that can happen, isn't it? I both love this time of year and loathe this time of year. My husband works retail so last night was the first time that he and I were both in the same place, both awake, for about an hour or so. Christmas is his only day off this week.

I remember when I was younger how fun Christmastime always seemed! It was usually the one time of year that all of my siblings and I were in the same place at the same time. Despite where school, families, and travels took us, Christmas was when we were all home...even if for just a day. 

As an adult it seems that I spend most of this season stressing about getting my year-end work finished, shopping for the perfect gifts, and what casserole I'm going to bring to Christmas dinner. Usually little things like traffic, rude shoppers, and even my husbands' work schedule stress me out to the max in December ... however, this week I'm really not that stressed. I contribute this low stress holiday week to several things: 

  • Exercise! OK, I know that was the obvious one! It's really becoming a habit. Even when I take my coveted "off days," I feel like I should be doing something. Almost guilty for taking a day off (even though I know my body needs a break). I'll admit it -- this week, exercise-wise, has been a tough one. I'm been hurting a lot. My feet don't like me this week...and I've been on them most of the week. So at the gym I've been taking Coach Kane's advice and doing things like the bike that are less impact on my feet. 
  • Planning ahead! Planning ahead with my meals has been incredibly helpful! Each night before I get ready for bed I've been planning out what would be for breakfast, and what I would take for lunch, and even my snacks. I've realized that when I'm prepared with the good things that I know I can eat ... I'm less tempted to eat the things I shouldn't. I'll admit it -- I did have 1 piece of chocolate out of the huge box someone brought to work last week. And I did have a delicious macaroon that one of my co-workers made. But, in the grand scheme of things I haven't wanted all of the sweets and tasty treats that are in abundance this time of year! Mind over matter, right?!
  • I've also planned ahead with buying holiday gifts this year -- which has been a huge stress reduction!               Working with our budget I have bought things steadily since last month, and will head out shortly to pick up the last few things I need, and do some grocery shopping! One of my biggest personal victories is that I got all of the out-of-town gifts packaged up and send way ahead of time (Arlington, Phoenix, Nashville, Maryland and Kentucky)! Anyone who's stood in line at the post office this time of year knows that is a HUGE win)!
  • Thankfulness! I am so thankful for many things. I'm thankful for this amazing opportunity that I've been given to participate in this Biggest Winner program. It's given me the motivation and tools to work on something that I've never been fully prepared to tackle. I'm thankful for my health. Even if I'm not the healthiest person around -- I'm making progress! I'm thankful for my family's health. I have so many friends and co-workers who are struggling right now with personal or familial health issues. Some whose bodies are healing from surgeries, some spending the holiday season battling cancer, and some hospitalized for other maladies. Their struggles make me realize even more clearly that I need to be thankful for what I have and take care of myself. 
Wow, OK, this blog has gotten a little more serious than I'd intended -- but I really wanted to share those things. I'll close this one out with a few more little inspirational tidbits I found on (you guessed it) I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, or is having a wonderful Hanukkah, Festivus, Kwanza, or whatever you prefer to celebrate. Be thankful for the blessings in your life, even if you've spent years taking them for granted! 

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