Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today I choose to be happy

Today has been a real doozy of a day. Emotionally this day has taken its toll on me. My first reaction to an emotional, sucky day ... french fries, I want french fries. Fortunately the positive thoughts I was able to force into my head on the drive home were enough to help me bypass the McDonald's, the Sonic, the Taco Bell, the Burger King, the Krystal & the Wendy's. All of those temptations were just the ones on my side of the road! lol

A few months ago I wouldn't have cared, and I would've just given in to my emotional eating. The victory  is not in avoiding one of my favorite foods ... but bypassing it because I knew I was only trying to fill an emotional need, not a physical one. I wasn't hungry. I was hurt, angry and frustrated. Hurt, angry and frustrated don't go away with french fries. They may be temporarily numbed by the delicious potatoes deep fried in hot, bubbly oil -- but that feeling of satisfaction is only a momentary pacification. Have you ever noticed how similar the words fried and friend are ... coincidence, I think not! lol

Score: Fast Food: 0 Amanda: 1 And that is today's victory.

What's made me so emotional, you ask, that I'm driven to fast food drive bys? Short answer: myself. Let me explain. Another lifelong issue I'm trying to combat is self doubt. Someone once told me ... other people can't make you miserable, you're the only one who can make make you miserable. We, as freed adult humans, hold the key to our happiness. Unfortunately, we loan it out sometimes, or forget where we put it ... but, the only person who has the ability to make myself feel ridiculously miserable is me...because I let people make me feel that way.

Today I was reminded that negativity breeds negativity, and there's no room for that in my life. If someone has a negative opinion of me, or doesn't like me, I'm sorry for that, but I can't dwell on it. I can't make everyone happy, and I shouldn't even try to entertain that thought. If every day I wake up, and be the best Amanda I know how to be...that's got to be enough for me.

I am so thankful for the positive habits I've learned during my Biggest Winner journey. I'm so appreciative of the time and tools that were given to me that will continue to help me accomplish my goals. Tonight I'm recommitting myself to living a positive life. Tonight I'm thankful for all of the good in my life. Tonight I'm thankful for a wonderful friend who knew what I needed and said, "let's go for a walk, it will make you feel better." She was right. Between the brief fellowship and the movement, she quickly had me laughing and remembering that I'm the writer of my own destiny. Other people's words or actions can only upset me or feel bad about myself if I let them. Tonight I choose to not let them. Score: Amanda wins!

Of course, no blog would be complete without a little inspiration from Pinterest! :)


  1. Hope you are feeling better, love you mom

  2. Always love your blogs so well written but also straight talk too
    HOpe to see you soon I saw LeeANn at Dogwood Covenant mile tonight helping out as volunteer
    we'll figure time to all get together soon

  3. Go, Amanda! I struggle with emotional eating too - it's tough! You are a rock star, and I'll tell anyone who thinks otherwise to stuff it!
